Write the Focus Question on the board: Who are you?
How do you define yourself? Raise your hand and share the words you might use to talk about who you are.
(Allow teens to respond. If they need help, start with words like, “daughter” or “schoolmate”. Write their answers around the focus question.)
Many of you used words describing the relationships you have with others, like: “son,” “sister,” or “friend” or that you are a part of a tribe. You also added the things you do, like: “musician” or “soccer player”. And while all of these titles, interests, and tribal names do shape you, the core of who you are is deeper. To find out who you truly are and how you should live, you need to look to the One who designed you: your Creator, God.
Now, open your books to “The Best Version of Yourself” on page 1. Follow along as I read and underline anything that stands out to you.
“The Best Version of Yourself” on page 1 of the teen book out loud.
What stood out to you as we read page 1? (Allow teens to respond.)
• When you have big questions about life, where have you looked for answers? Why would it make sense to look to God for the answers?
(Answers should include: because God made me, he knows everything about me, he has a purpose for my life, the world’s wisdom is foolish, etc.)
• What does it mean to live wisely?
(Answers should include: to live according to God’s design, in a personal relationship with him.)
The world has drifted a long way from God’s wisdom, but there is good news: God promises that if you look for him, you will find him. Matthew 7:7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Now, turn to the article, “Knowing Your Creator,” on page 2 in your books where we will learn more about who God is. As you take turns reading out loud to the class, follow along and circle words that show God’s love for you. Stop when you get to the Selfie Challenge.
Have teens take turns reading page 2, “Knowing Your Creator,” out loud. Do not have them read the “Selfie Challenge” section yet; it will be read at the end of the lesson.
What words did you circle that show God’s love for you? (Allow teens to respond.)
• What does this article tell you about how much God values you?
(Answers should include: God created amazing things like the moon and stars, but it is people that he crowns with glory and honor; he cares for you, and he knit you together in your mother’s womb; he thinks of you constantly; he never leaves you alone.)
• What do you think it means that human beings are the masterpiece of God’s creation? (Answers will vary.)
• After you read this page, how does it change how you see God and how he sees you? (Answers will vary.)
You had some really good answers to those questions. Let us discover what else we will learn as we continue on page 3; follow along as you take turns reading out loud to the class. Be sure to watch for who God is and what he does.
Have teens continue taking turns reading page 3 of “Knowing Your Creator” out loud.
What do these passages from the Bible tell us about who God is and what God does?
(Answers should include: God creates like an artist, cares for us, gives life and breath, is near to us, satisfies, grants wisdom, invites us into a relationship, etc.)
• In society today, where do you see people turning to find satisfaction?
(Answers should include: money, popularity, fame, romance, power, etc.)
• Why do we need God to be truly satisfied?
(Answers should include: We were made for a relationship with God. God is our source of life.)
• How can you develop a personal relationship with God?
(Answers can be found on page 3 of the teen book and should include: reading the Bible, praying.)
The Bible says God is our loving father, and we are his children. It makes sense that we would look to God to find our purpose because he is the one who designed us. God wants us to seek him so we can experience life to the fullest!
Write the Focus Question on the board: Who are you?
How do you define yourself? Raise your hand and share the words you might use to talk about who you are.
(Allow teens to respond. If they need help, start with words like, “daughter” or “schoolmate”. Write their answers around the focus question.)
Many of you used words describing the relationships you have with others, like: “son,” “sister,” or “friend” or that you are a part of a tribe. You also added the things you do, like: “musician” or “soccer player”. And while all of these titles, interests, and tribal names do shape you, the core of who you are is deeper. To find out who you truly are and how you should live, you need to look to the One who designed you: your Creator, God.
Now, open your books to “The Best Version of Yourself” on page 1. Follow along as I read and underline anything that stands out to you.
“The Best Version of Yourself” on page 1 of the teen book out loud.
What stood out to you as we read page 1? (Allow teens to respond.)
• When you have big questions about life, where have you looked for answers? Why would it make sense to look to God for the answers?
(Answers should include: because God made me, he knows everything about me, he has a purpose for my life, the world’s wisdom is foolish, etc.)
• What does it mean to live wisely?
(Answers should include: to live according to God’s design, in a personal relationship with him.)
The world has drifted a long way from God’s wisdom, but there is good news: God promises that if you look for him, you will find him. Matthew 7:7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Now, turn to the article, “Knowing Your Creator,” on page 2 in your books where we will learn more about who God is. As you take turns reading out loud to the class, follow along and circle words that show God’s love for you. Stop when you get to the Selfie Challenge.
Have teens take turns reading page 2, “Knowing Your Creator,” out loud. Do not have them read the “Selfie Challenge” section yet; it will be read at the end of the lesson.
What words did you circle that show God’s love for you? (Allow teens to respond.)
• What does this article tell you about how much God values you?
(Answers should include: God created amazing things like the moon and stars, but it is people that he crowns with glory and honor; he cares for you, and he knit you together in your mother’s womb; he thinks of you constantly; he never leaves you alone.)
• What do you think it means that human beings are the masterpiece of God’s creation? (Answers will vary.)
• After you read this page, how does it change how you see God and how he sees you? (Answers will vary.)
You had some really good answers to those questions. Let us discover what else we will learn as we continue on page 3; follow along as you take turns reading out loud to the class. Be sure to watch for who God is and what he does.
Have teens continue taking turns reading page 3 of “Knowing Your Creator” out loud.
What do these passages from the Bible tell us about who God is and what God does?
(Answers should include: God creates like an artist, cares for us, gives life and breath, is near to us, satisfies, grants wisdom, invites us into a relationship, etc.)
• In society today, where do you see people turning to find satisfaction?
(Answers should include: money, popularity, fame, romance, power, etc.)
• Why do we need God to be truly satisfied?
(Answers should include: We were made for a relationship with God. God is our source of life.)
• How can you develop a personal relationship with God?
(Answers can be found on page 3 of the teen book and should include: reading the Bible, praying.)
The Bible says God is our loving father, and we are his children. It makes sense that we would look to God to find our purpose because he is the one who designed us. God wants us to seek him so we can experience life to the fullest!